Yasminanju SK

Meet Yasminanju SK, an ambitious and popular teacher who loves to spend her lessons engaging with pupils. She teaches Lower Kindergarten at Telaprolu Academy, where she’s been teaching for three years.

Before teaching, she was a stay-at-home wife and didn’t have her own career. Once Bridge moved into her community, she leapt at the opportunity to inspire young minds. She sat teaching entrance exams, and was chosen from a competitive field to teach at her academy.

“I enjoy teaching, it makes me happy. To be a teacher, we have to be proactive in the classroom in order to engage with our pupils. I really enjoy working with children.”

Her son attends attends her school too. He’s studying in Nursery, and Yasminanju says, “I can see improvements in my son’s learning. His teachers are very kind and have encouraged him to do well.”

One aspect of the academy that Yasminanju loves is the teacher computer. “Teaching with a tablet is great. At my previous school, teachers taught however they wanted, without any guidance or support. Here, lessons are already on the tablet, so I know exactly what I’m teaching and how to time my lessons.”
